Previous: 3. We Three Bees | Next: 4a. Hey, Good-Looking’ – Playoff
N.B. In a few places throughout the song, divisi is clearly notated, while in others it is totally ambiguous. For ease of making individual part tracks, I used the assignation of parts elsewhere in the score. So when parts aren’t marked, the divisi in the tracks goes (from highest to lowest voice) Stevens, Gibbs, Birdlace, Bernstein, Fector, Boland.
Hey, Good Lookin' - Dogfight - Piano Accompaniment/Rehearsal Track
Hey, Good Lookin' - Gibbs Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - Stevens Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - Birdlace Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - Bernstein Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - Boland Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - Fector Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - Ensemble Women Soprano Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - Ensemble Women Mezzo Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - Ensemble Women Alto Practice Track - Dogfight
Hey, Good Lookin' - All Parts and Piano Accompaniment - Dogfight